Sunday, October 12, 2008

There is no new progress on the injury - it still hurts and I am still icing, taking Advil and doing some light stretching and PT drills. I may get back to running, but I am not holding my breath for it. I will probably be out for 2-3 weeks and then start the spring training.

I figured that in the mean time I would fill in the blanks in my training for this season. I started on Monday, June 2nd from zero and fought with injuries until the end of August trying to build my mileage. The key to dealing with my injuries, all of which were due to over-pronation, was to get a pair of Sole inserts. I also tried the Superfeet inserts and like the Sole inserts better because my right arch is high and my left arch is low and the Sole inserts are cusomizeable. I was able to supercharge my mileage at that point from somewhere in the 70-80 miles per week range to well above 100 miles per week. Here is my mileage progression:

Mileage: 41, 47, 57, 59, 65, 46, 72, 20, 85, 85, 97, 61, 120, 100, 109, 102, 111, 94, 66 (last week of four days)

In the last week I was targeting 115 miles and then I was supposed to start cutting mileage to hopefully peak the first week of November. So close ...

The 20 mile week was due to an injury. The 61 miles in the 12th week was intentional to give my body some rest after the big mileage ramp and before the speed work started. I got the Sole inserts during the consecutive 85 mile weeks. My highest 7 day mileage total was 127 miles and I was REALLY tired that week. I found that once I broke 100 miles/week I had to increase the number of hours I slept each night from 7-8 hours to probably 9-10 hours.

Mileage by month:
June = 214 miles
July = 133 miles
August = 387 miles
September = 445 miles
October = 135 miles (9 days)

August, September and the first part of October were very good. I probably should have spent more time lifting, cross-training and doing core work to stave off injuries. Either way this goes, this training should be a great base for the spring training.

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